Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: Please check our Shipping Policy.
Q: Why has my tracking not updated?
A: Please allow up to 24 hours for the carrier to register the shipping status. If you are still not seeing any updates after that time, or your tracking number is not updated at all, please contact us.
Q: What's your return policy?
A: Customer satisfaction is incredibly important to us. Should you wish to return an item to us, please check the Return Policy.
Q: When does the warranty begin?
A: It begins the day you place your order.
Q: How do I claim the warranty?
A: Before submitting a warranty claim, please refer to the specific FAQs for your product and attempt all troubleshooting suggestions.
If you believe the item is defective and under warranty, please submit a Return or Exchange request on the product’s support page, or contact us at hello@outxe.com.
Q: Will the warranty be renewed if my product is replaced?
A: The warranty continues from the date of your original purchase. It won’t be renewed after a replacement has been provided. For more information, please contact us at hello@outxe.com.
Q: Am I able to edit or alter my pending order?
A: We are unable to edit an order after it has been placed. We aim to get your order to you as quickly as possible. Orders begin processing as soon as they are placed. We can cancel orders upon request if they have not begun shipping.
Q: How can I cancel my order?
A: We aim to get your order to you as quickly as possible. Orders begin processing as soon as they are placed. We can cancel orders upon request if they have not been processed and prepared for shipment.
Q: Can I use more than one coupon on an order?
A: No. Coupons are limited to one per order.
Q: Why have I not received an order confirmation by email?
A: Sometimes our emails take a couple of minutes to be sent or sometimes they land in the SPAM folder.
Please check all of your email folders later if you still haven't received your confirmation, email hello@outxe.com, and we'll be happy to confirm your order and resend the confirmation email.
Q: How do I check my order status?
A: If you created an account with us, you can log into your account and on your dashboard go to "ACCOUNT". You will see a full history of your orders since the account has been active. You can find the shipping status and tracking number from there.
If you do not have an account, please contact our Customer Support Team! One of our friendly and helpful agents will be more than happy to assist you.
Q: How can I cancel my order?
A: We're sorry to hear that you'll be cancelling your order with us! We may be able to cancel your order for you if it hasn't been processed out yet.
Please contact our Customer Support Team with your order number, and we will look into the status of the order and assist you accordingly.
If your order has already been processed to ship, we will be unable to cancel your order.
Q: Can I make changes to my order?
A: We do apologize for the inconvenience, however, we are unable to make changes to your order.
If your order has not been processed out yet, what we can do is cancel the current order so you can make a brand new order with which you prefer. However, if the order has been processed for shipping, we will be unable to cancel the order.
Please contact our Customer Support Team to request a cancellation.
Q: What payment options do you accept?
A: The payment options that we accept are:
Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express)
At this time, we do not accept purchase orders, cash, check or money orders, nor do we offer any sort of layaway or COD service.